
Scope it

'like, badass grandma wisdom of 21s' / Josephine Camilla Alexandra

like, badass grandma wisdom of 21’s

a few days later, sharing a bag of almonds with only the circling thoughts, plodding over and over ground, which feels like mud, but, under foot concrete, I slip back to the curtains, a portal where I saw self reflection, acted, the play returns in memory on a night the tram bus combination is leveraged as care, over a will to walk the 9km lonely like a “deflated sack” to bed. 

It’s like simultaneously viewing 

a coming to age film and critical Q&A session.

songs and clipping up 

chain of heart signs between curtains 

mark the two leads shifting consciousness;

uncertainty. needs. power. intimacy issues! 

a collective reality thread 

woven like badass grandma wisdom 

I wished I’d heard at 15, but edging up and over 25, 

It’s like a mulled wine 

Warmed up by the familiarness of laughing,

laughing off moments of my early 20’s. mirrored.

the strong queer females, 

and then the nodding hahah dudes listen, 

this sharing is a service. 

the intimate memoir dances through 

from the opening, where black dresses and 

milk crate making-up applications stage the 

the two friends navigating uncertainties 

the politics of desire                            

to those sober and not so sober moments 

nights out with a girlfriend

where; solitude states of mind.

make the tangents of rants;

“a girl can dream about having an honest conversation with man”

lines articulate the teetering ground between beliefs and feelings. 

the time shifting tapestry of vignettes

skip from sixteen to nowish. 

monologues, comedy and song  

reveal the entangled frustrations and confusions 

found navigating dating cis-men and 

ambiguous queer hangs.

in the process the two, 

cut off those blanket thoughts that

are all too familiar

they come to see their own needs, 

unfreezing the individuals fearing neurosis

Feelings, guilty of emptiness

interlinked, scenes leak 

to the systemic failings

which does not have a place 

for females who call bullshit and 

interrogate their positions 

as gendered bodies 

unlearning fatphobia and 

eurocentric beauty standards.

feed new learnings

the power in their own selves

calling to the death of chill 

and cabaret esque critiques of 


in the quiet moments where intimacy issues 

no longer linger so bright 

that one fears the apprehension of

being engulfed 

the realisation that we, I’s 

are the one’s holding the lighter 

don’t ask 

babe you got a light

reach in and pull out yours 

be firm with the click 

the shutters no longer batter 

in the winds of kyriarchy

but, prepared to ensure 

skater boys 

don’t blow in 

intimacy issues closes with texting poetics on cardboard signs; 

“denial will not protect you” 


* intimacy issues was performed by India Alessandra and Ivana Brehas at the Butterfly Club, August 12-17th, 2019. 

** words, a response by Josie Alexandra.

these words were written on the sovereign and unceded lands of the Kulin Nation.